如果你专注于过去,你将永远看不到未来。 (If you focus on what you left behind, you will never be able to see what lies ahead. )
我不能不战而降! (I can't give up without a fight!)
情况并非已成定局。 (The situation is not quite so cut and dried.)
你应该随遇而安,尽可能地享受生活。 (You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it.)
世上没有绝对的成功,只有不懈的努力。 (There is no absolute success in the world, only constant progress.)
孰能无过,但只要有爱,便有救赎之道。 (Everyone makes mistakes, but if love is there, then there's a path to redemption.)
要成为有影响力的人,不能只安于和别人相同。 (No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.)
所有这些时刻,终将随时光流逝,一如眼泪,在雨中消失。 (All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.)
世人也许循规蹈矩,但我必须遵从内心。 (The rest of the world may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart.)
无法估量的智慧是人类最大的财富。 (Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure.)
即便亲眼所见,也无法窥得全貌。 (Even with two eyes, you only see half of the picture.)
如果你有梦想,就去守护它。 (You have dreams,you go to protect it.)
真正的失败者是那些害怕失败不敢尝试的人。 (A real loser is someone so afraid of not winning, they don't even try. )
铭记虽痛苦,但遗忘更糟糕。 (It hurts to remember,but it would be worse to forget.)
如果你想参透今天,就必须探究昨天。 (If you want to understand today , you have to search yesterday.)