真正在乎你的人,从来都“不忙”。 (When you really matter to someone, that person will always make time for you.)
爱父母,也是孩子的本能。 (Loving parents is also a child's instinct.)
熬过所有的艰难时刻,你将前程似锦。 (After all the difficult times, you will embrace a bright future.)
只有你想见我的时候,我们的相遇才有意义。 (Our meeting is just meaningful only if you wanna see me. )
你若盛开,蝴蝶自来。 (The better you become, the better you attract.)
生气不宜太久,要学会放下。 (Don't stay mad for too long. Learn to leave things behind. )
在这一刻,我比平时更想你。 (At this moment, I miss you more than usual.)
众口难调,开心就好。 (It's hard to please everyone, so keep delightful for yourself.)
凡事皆有风险。若非如此,人生将不值一过。 (Everything is dangerous. If it weren't so, life wouldn't be worth living.)
玫瑰即使换了名字也依旧芬芳。 (A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.)
我们并非在年复一年地变老,而是日复一日地焕然一新。 (We turn not older with years, but newer every day.)
井底之蛙,不知大海。 (The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.)
有时候,对的那个人,就是始终陪伴左右的那个。 (Sometimes, the right one for you is the one who was there the whole time.)
不会捕鱼的人,只会把河水弄浑。 (Those who can't fish will only muddy the river.)
预测未来的最好方式就是去创造它。 (The best way to predict your future is to create it.)