逝者长已矣,历史永铭记。 (Witnesses pass, but history is eternal. - From China Daily)
我必须活出真实的自己。 (I just have to live my truth.)
世间万物有始皆有终。 (Everything that has a beginning has an end. )
就算他们叫我疯子,我也不会因此改变分毫。 (They tell me that I'm crazy, but I'll never let them change me.)
我已今非昔比。 (I'm doing better than I ever was.)
有时候拒绝会让事情变得更好。 (Sometimes things go better when you just say no.)
瑞雪兆丰年。 (A timely snow promises a good harvest.)
我就喜欢原原本本真实的你。 (I love you just the way you are.)
眼不见,心不烦。 (Out of sight, out of mind.)
你比你的外表更有魅力。 (You are so much more than how you look.)
世间多苦难,但苦难总是能战胜的。 (Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.)
永远不要放弃,要一直战斗到最后一秒。 (Never give up until the fight is over.)
覆水难收。 (What's done cannot be undone. )
有些人因罪恶而升迁,有些人因美德而没落。 (Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.)
我们要迈向未来,而不是沉湎于过去。 (We are going forward to the future, not back into the past.)