审判自己比审判别人要难得多。 (It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others.)
爱你是我青春里最盛大且欢愉的秘密。 (Loving you is the most grand and joyful secret in my youth.)
追光者终将光芒万丈。 (Those who follow the light will eventually be radiant.)
害怕是正常的,感到害怕才能学会勇敢。 (It's okay to be scared. In order to be brave, we got to be a little scared.)
没有一条通往光荣的道路是铺满鲜花的。 (No road of flowers leads to glory.)
不要被情绪影响了你的判断力。 (Do not let your emotions override your judgment.)
伟大的事物从不来自于舒适圈。 (Great things never came from comfort zones.)
当你过上了想要的生活,过往的一切伤疤都会成为勋章。 (When you start to live the life you have been wanting, all the scars of the past will become medals.)
致母亲:母亲节快乐!爱自己,更快乐! (To Mothers: Happy Mother's Day! Love yourself to gain more happiness!)
别让任何人让你觉得自己不配拥有梦想。 (Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.)
灾难对于幸存者来说更痛苦,因为它难以忘却。 (Disaster is more painful for survivors because it's hard to forget.)
愿你忠于自我,活出自我。 (May you be loyal to yourself, live like yourself. )
只争朝夕,不负韶华。 (Let's seize the day and live it to the fullest.)
逃避命运之人,终将直面命运。 (A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.)
拯救世界需要付出代价。 (Saving the world requires sacrifice.)