聪明但没有抱负,有如没有翅膀的鸟。 (Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.) —— Author:Salvador Dali
做不可能的事还挺有趣的。 (It's kind of fun to do the impossible.) —— Author:Walt Disney
与其担心你无法掌控的,不如将精力花在你能创造的东西上。 (Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.) —— Author:Roy T. Bennett
自信是成大事的首要条件。 (Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings.) —— Author:Samuel Johnson
人生太短,不要浪费在不尊重、不欣赏、也不珍惜你的人身上。 (Life is too short to waste your time on people who don't respect, appreciate, and value you.) —— Author:Roy T. Bennett
每个孩子都是艺术家,难就难在长大之后还是艺术家。 (Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.) —— Author:Pablo Picasso
我将自己的成功归结为:我从来不找借口,也从来不接受借口。 (I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took any excuse.) —— Author:Florence Nightingale
居无书,犹如人无魂。 (A room without books is like a body without a soul.) —— Author:Marcus Tullius Cicero
年轻时养成的良好习惯使人受益终身。 (Good habits formed at youth make all the difference.) —— Author:Aristotle
人生只有一种幸福,爱人并且被人爱。 (There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.) —— Author:George Sand
勤奋孕育好运。 (Diligence is the mother of good luck.) —— Author:Benjamin Franklin
诚实是在没人知道的时候也坚持做对的事情。 (Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.) —— Author:C. S. Lewis
一直面向阳光,你就不会看到阴暗。 (Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.) —— Author:Helen Keller
我决定持守友爱,因为仇恨实在令人不堪重负。 (I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.) —— Author:Martin Luther King, Jr.
在内心找一个欢乐的角落,这欢乐可让痛苦烟消云散。 (Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.) —— Author:Joseph Campbell