我能多请几天假吗? (Could I have some extra days off?)
遇见你是发生在我身上最美好的事情。 (You are the best thing that ever happened to me.)
我们来自不同的世界,但我们彼此相容。 (We are from different worlds, yet we fit together.)
酒杯满满,碰响的是欢乐。 (The glass is full, and the sound is joyful.)
愿人生静好,岁岁含香。 (May life be quiet and sweet every year.)
虎年行大运。 (Good luck in the Year of the Tiger.)
无论在哪,都是过年。 (Wherever you are, the Spring Festival is with you. )
让我们享受一个远离工作的长假。 (Let's take a long break from work.)
微笑永远是一个人最迷人的特质。 (A smile is the most charming part of a person forever.)
愿心情愉悦,笑容甜甜! (Wish you a happy mood and a sweet smile!)
每每旭日东升,都是崭新的开始。 (With every sun comes a new day.)
春季大扫除事不宜迟! (Spring cleaning can't wait!)
饺子吃越多,钱就赚越多。 (The more dumplings you eat, the more money you make. )
医生手册写道:开怀大笑,睡个好觉,此乃灵丹妙药 。 (A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.)
你的信任是我前进的动力。 (Your faith is all that keeps me going.)