挑战让生活趣味盎然,战胜挑战让生活意义非凡。 (Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.) —— Author:Joshua J. Marine
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不是所有的改变都是成长,正如不是所有的运动都是前进。 (All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.) —— Author:Ellen Glasgow
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并非美丽招人爱,而是爱让我们看到了美丽。 (It is not beauty that endears, it's love that makes us see beauty.) —— Author:Leo Tolstoy
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每一次与自然同行,都会有意外的收获。 (In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.) —— Author:John Muir
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与他人分享快乐,我们会收获加倍的快乐。 (Happiness adds and multiplies, as we divide it with others.) —— Author:A. Nielsen
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无论什么,只要发自心底地坚信,都能成真。 (Whatever you believe with feeling becomes your reality.) —— Author:Brian Tracy
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不历严冬,春天不迷人;不尝艰辛,成功无欣喜。 (If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.) —— Author:Anne Bradstreet
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河流可以切碎岩石,并非因其力大无穷,乃是因为坚持不懈。 (A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.) —— Author:James N. Watkins
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人生一大乐事就是做到别人认为你做不到的事。 (The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.) —— Author:Walter Bagehot
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思维有限,但我们的想象力能造就无限可能。 (Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.) —— Author:Jamie Paolinetti
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我很相信运气,事实上我发现越努力,我的运气越好。 (I'm a greater believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.) —— Author:Thomas Jefferson
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继续前行!不要停下脚步!不要在路上流连!向着前面的目标奋进! (Press forward. Do not stop, do not linger in your journey, but strive for the mark set before you.) —— Author:George Whitefield
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生活的一成是发生在我身上的事情,剩下的九成取决于我如何应对。 (Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.) —— Author:Charles Swindoll
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只要想做,就能找到办法;如果不想,找到的便只是借口。 (If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.) —— Author:Jim Rohn
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书籍是一把利斧,凿开我们内心冰封的海洋。 (A book should serve as the ax for the frozen sea within us.) —— Author:弗兰兹·卡夫卡