你的生活就是你的信息。 (Your life is your message.)
幸福不是偶然,而是选择。 (Happiness is not by chance, but by choice.)
最大的风险是不冒风险。 (The greatest risk is not taking one.)
你必须做你认为自己做不到的事情。 (You must do the things you think you cannot do.)
冬天不是一个季节,而是一个庆典。 (Winter is not a season, but a celebration.)
未来取决于你今天的所作所为。 (The future depends on what you do today.)
吸入勇气,呼出恐惧。 (Take in courage and let fear fade away.)
每一项成就都始于尝试的决定。 (Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.)
幸福取决于你的心态。 (Happiness depends on your mindset.)
人生苦短,活出精彩。 (Life is short; Live it!)
因自我怀疑而失去的梦想比因失败而失去的更多。 (More dreams are lost to self-doubt than to failure.)
这是万圣节;一年中我们可以成为任何人的夜晚。 (It's Halloween; the one night a year when we can be anything we want.)
唯一真正的智慧在于知道你一无所知。 (The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.)
如果生活是可预测的,它就不再是生活。 (If life were predictable, it would cease to be life.)
不要数日子,让日子有意义。 (Don't count the days, make the days count.)