怪罪别人绝不会让你获得成功。 (You’ll never get ahead by blaming your problems on other people.)
努力成为那位能获得你追寻目标的人物。 (Become the person who would attract the results you seek.)
大人物都是从小人物时不断地尝试而造就。 (Big shots are only little shots who keep shooting.)
当我们行为端正,我们无意中转化他人。 (We reform others unconsciously when we walk uprightly.)
为了不确定的事而放弃确定的事是不智的。 (He is no wise man who will quit a certainty for an uncertainty.)
成功就是经历一次次失败,却都不失热情。 (Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm. )
过分谨慎的人难有成就。 (He that is over-cautious will accomplish little.)
时代和环境变化非常快速,因此我们必须持续将目光聚焦在未来。 (Times and conditions change so rapidly that we must keep our aim constantly focused on the future. )
失败是抵达卓越的另一个踏脚石。 (Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.)
事情会改变,朋友会离去。 生命不会为了任何人而停歇。 (Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn't stop for anybody. )
此刻所发生的所有事,都是你过去选择的结果。 (Everything that is happening at this moment is a result of the choices you've made in the past.)
善用你的优势。 多做你擅长的事情而不是那些你不擅长的事。 ( Play to your strengths. If you aren't great at something, do more of what you’re great at.)
大家都只想着改变世界,却从没想过先改变自己 (Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.)
原谅是人际关系的润滑油。 (Forgiveness is the oil of relationships.)
不论今天过得很好还是过得很有趣。 明天都是新的开始。 (Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one.)