心旷神怡,事事顺利。 (A merry heart goes all the way. )
现在就行动,采取行动永远不嫌太晚。 (The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.)
慢慢来吧,好与不好都随缘而遇。 (Take your time, good or bad.)
不管你做什么,都不要放弃! (Whatever you do, do not let go!)
耐心是苦涩的树,但它会长出甜美的果实。 (Patience is a bitter plant that produces sweet fruit.)
只是从书中获得的智慧不算是智慧。 (Wisdom is not wisdom when it is derived from books alone.)
月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。 (When the moon was on the willow's top,We'd met after dusk.)
爱,让生命有了意义。 (Love is what makes life worth living.)
每天都是一个新开始。 (Each day brings a new beginning.)
目标就是给梦想一个期限。 (A goal is a dream with a deadline.)
只有那些没行动的人不会犯错。 (It's only those who do nothing that make no mistakes.)
未知全貌,不予置评。 (You can't judge a place before you've ever seen it.)
心有多远,你就能走多远。 (You can go as far as you want to go.)
忘掉烦恼,高兴起来吧。 (Forget your troubles and just get happy.)
梦想,就是一种计划形式。 (Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.)