2025-02-20 07:10:15
最好的种树时间是10年前,其次是现在。 (The best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.)
2025-02-19 07:10:33
2025-02-18 07:05:04
从昨天学习,为今天而活,对明天充满希望。 (Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.)
2025-02-17 07:18:04
2025-02-16 07:06:39
我宁愿死于激情也不愿死于无聊。 (I would rather die of passion than of boredom. )
2025-02-15 07:08:41
爱是你与一切之间的桥梁。 (Love is the bridge between you and everything.)
2025-02-14 07:15:38
2025-02-13 07:08:31
天生我材必有用。 (All things in their being are good for something.)
2025-02-12 07:09:19
2025-02-11 07:10:21
人依靠行动而活,而非想法。 (It is by acts and not by ideas that people live.) —— Author:Anatole France
2025-02-20 07:41:08
2025-02-19 07:43:20
2025-02-18 07:44:29
自然与智慧永不相悖。 (Never does nature say one thing and wisdom another.) —— Author:Juvenal
2025-02-17 07:35:40
2025-02-16 07:38:33
2025-02-15 07:38:50
我跨越了时间的瀚海来把你寻找。 (I have crossed oceans of time to find you.) —— Author:《惊情四百年》
2025-02-14 07:43:32
2025-02-13 07:41:03
2025-02-12 07:36:45
你哪怕示以红灯拒我前行,我也会心向绿灯一刻不停。 (All your lights are red, but I'm green to go.) —— Author:Troye Sivan
2025-02-11 07:39:17
2022-07-25 22:14:35
2022-06-16 20:12:37
2021-12-23 11:23:59
2021-11-17 09:46:02
2021-11-12 21:00:42
2021-11-10 17:49:40